Friday 31 March 2017

Pew Sheet 2nd April 2017

St Dunstan’s Church, Monks Risborough
& St. Peter’s Chapel, Owlswick

Registered Charity Number: 1153869.

Part of the Risborough Team Ministry

Vicar: The Revd. James Tomkins
01844 275944 (day off Tuesday)
The Rectory, Mill Lane, Monks Risborough, HP27 9JE

Charlie Fairall 07584 264573
Johanna Powell 01844 343996

 We hope you will appreciate worshipping here with us. Please see our welcome leaflet on the table for all of our services and activities. After the 10 am service coffee, squash and biscuits are served in the church hall.

Sunday 2nd April 2017

Fifth Sunday of Lent (Passion Sunday)

As we prepare to walk with Christ through his passion, let us worship with hearts full of gratitude and trust.

8.00am Holy Communion
Readings: Hebrews 9: 11-15, John 8: 46 - end

10.00am All Age Family Communion and Baptism of Benjamin Morgan
Hymns: 25, 786, 201, 108, 54
Communion: 47, 555, 411, 856

6.00 pm  Evensong
Readings: Lamentations 3 v 19-33, Matthew 20 v 17-end
Hymns: 580, Psalm 30, 350, 333

Prayer for the week:
Holy God, in the Saviour’s cross your boundless love meets human sin: strengthen and deliver us that we may know the victory is ours through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Your prayers are asked for:

  • Those facing starvation in East Africa and those seeking to bring aid
  • Those charged with bringing about a successful transition and transfer of authority/power from the European Union back to our own government
  • Benjamin Morgan as he begins his journey of faith through Baptism
  • Local shopkeepers, for their service to our community and the daily needs they supply
  • Askett, Askett Lane and Letterbox Lane (MR) Angood Close & Ash Road (PR)
  • Those who are in need in our parish:
    • Joan Ballance, Pam Johnson, Eddie Evans
  • And also further afield for:
    • Alastair, Katy, Georgina Cole, Ginny Gibbs, Rob, David Dewick, Val, Alex Chauhan and her family
  • The recently departed:
    • Anne Frow, Kim Norris
  • Those whose anniversary of death falls at this time:
    • Robin Lane, Tilde Bradley, Tom Rutland, Kevin Montgomery, Cheryl Hughes, Stan Rogers, Joan Minns, Chrissie Hollingdale

Please remember the charities that the parish supports:
Pace is a charity that provides first class education, therapy and support for children aged 0-18 with cerebral palsy, related sensory motor disorders and development delay, and support and guidance for their families.



Annual Meetings: April 3rd
The annual church parish meeting will take place on Monday April 3rd in St. Dunstan’s. Drinks will be served from 7.30pm and the meeting will start at 8pm. Please can you make every effort to attend as we give thanks for all that has been achieved in the past year and think how together we can best connect and engage with the local community we are called to serve. Paper copies of the agenda and annual report are available from the tables by the south door. Alternatively all of the papers are available on the church website James

Friendship Group
We meet in the church hall on the third Wednesday of the month at 2.30pm. The next meeting is Wednesday 19th April.

Fellowship Group
On April 21st there is an outing to Lindengate therapeutic Garden. We shall be leaving from the layby in Monks Risborough at 11.30am .After a short introduction we shall be taken round the garden in small groups. Afterwards you might like to visit the Wyevale Garden Centre which is next door. The cost is £5.For further details please contact Rosemary Woodward-Court 344417.

Lighthouse Quiz – Saturday 22nd April 2017 – 7:30 pm
Tables of eight, cost £5. Bring your own drinks and nibbles (no red wine as it stains the flooring). Raffle and Heads and Tails Game: offers of raffle or any other prizes greatly appreciated: to book a table or offer a prize contact Jamie Carter on 01844 273286. Booking essential

Evening Talks at Owlswick
Following the success of last year’s ‘Speaker Evenings’ in the chapel, we have a new and exciting list of speakers for the coming months. The first of these is on Monday 24th April at 8pm. We’re privileged to have a talk by Suzie Davies, production designer for the film “Mr Turner”. She received an Oscar nomination for best achievement in production design for this film. All events will be accompanied by light refreshments with a cost for the evening of £5 per person.

An Evening with the new Bishop of Oxford, Steven Croft, April 26th
Everyone is invited to attend this event at St. Mary’s Church, Princes Risborough. The evening starts at 7:30 pm and will finish at about 9:15/9:30 pm. There will be time for questions to the Bishop with refreshments (tea/coffee) being served part way through the evening.

Chinnor Silver Band Charity Concert, May 13th at 7.30pm
By popular demand the Chinnor Silver Band will be returning to St. Dunstan’s to give another fabulous concert to raise money for a variety of charities supported by the church. Tickets are £10 from Rachel (01844) 761535 or Sue (01844) 275287 or There will be a complimentary glass of wine or soft drink along with a prize raffle. Please come along to support this event and tell your friends about it.

St. Dunstan’s Gourmet Family BBQ May 21st
Sunday May 21st 12 noon for 12.30 (with children’s games and activities). Award winning and locally sourced ‘pulled pork’, sausages, burgers and speciality beef ribs from Orchard View Farm. Tickets are £8 (children 18 and under £2). Additional food can be purchased on the day! A complimentary drink will be served. Tickets from Rachel Ungi 01844 761535 or Susanne Carr 01844 346827. Please advise in advance of any special dietary requirements e.g. gluten free, vegetarian etc. Please bring a chair to sit outside if fine weather. A list will be put up in the porch for people to sign if they can provide a salad or dessert.

A Day Trip to Rochester, Thursday August 3rd
Everyone along with their family and friends is welcome on this years’ parish visit to the historic city of Rochester with the second oldest cathedral in the country founded in 604 AD. The trip takes place on Thursday August 3rd and includes a guided tour of the cathedral in the morning, time to experience the breath-taking views of Rochester castle or follow in the footsteps of Charles Dickens in the afternoon, before returning to the cathedral for Choral Evensong at 5.30 pm in the evening. The coach will leave the lay-by in Monks Risborough at 8:15 am and return there at approximately 8.15 pm. Please bring a picnic lunch and tea or enjoy the refreshments within the city. The cost of the trip is £20 (children £10.00). Please book early to avoid disappointment by contacting Rev James Tomkins (01844) 275944 and sending your cheque payable to ‘Monks Risborough PCC’ to the Rectory, Mill Lane, Monks Risborough, HP27 9JE

Do something new!
Calibre Audio Library at Weston Turville supplies audio books to visually impaired people. They need more volunteers to check the discs and memory sticks. It's a very friendly environment. If you are interested ring Rosemary 344417

Easter Lilies
St Dunstan’s Church is once again offering the opportunity for parishioners to donate the cost of an Easter lily as part of an arrangement in memory of a loved one. If you would like to take part, please write your name and the person(s) whom you wish to  remember, on the list in the Church or contact Jenny Masterton-Smith on 01844 273538 or Gwen Miles on 01844 345230. To make your donation, please put your contribution into a blue gift aid envelope and write “Easter Lily” on it (with your name & address on, if you are a taxpayer). Please put the envelope into the wooden chest on the pillar or hand it to Anne White.

The Next Few Weeks 

Morning Prayer is held at 8.45am (except Bank Holidays) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays

Mon 3rd April 7.30pm (drinks)/8.00pm Annual Meetings (see notices)
Thurs 6th April 9.30am Holy Communion with prayers for healing
Sun 9th April

Palm Sunday
Holy Week begins
10.00 Parish Communion (meet in the A4010 lay-by if you wish to take part in the procession of palms)
11.30am Holy Communion (BCP), Owlswick
6.00pm Evensong
Mon 10th April 8.00pm Stations of the Cross
Tues 11th April 11.00am WW1 Commemoration at the war memorial
8.00pm Compline (night prayer)
Wed 12th April 8.00pm Compline (Night prayer)
Thurs 13th April
Maundy Thursday
9.30am Holy Communion
8.00pm Parish Communion (washing of hands, stripping of the altars etc.)
Fri 14th April
Good Friday
2.00pm Service of readings and reflections at the ‘foot of the Cross'
Sun 16th April
Easter Day
6.00am ‘Sunrise service’ at Whiteleaf Cross (meet in the car park)
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
10.00am All Age Family Communion (and Easter egg hunt)
6.00pm Evensong
6.00pm ‘Later’ youth group, Princes Risborough Methodist Church
Wed 19th April 2.30pm Friendship Group (church hall)
Thurs 20th April 9.30am Holy Communion
2.00am Monks Monkeys
Fri 21st April 1.20pm Monks Risborough School Visit (Class 4)
Sat 22nd April 9.00am – 2.00pm ‘pop along’ bell ringing session (see newsletter or flyer for details)
Sun 23rd April 10.00am Parish Communion
6.00pm Owlswick Evensong
Mon 24th April 8.00pm Evening Talk (Owlswick)
Thurs 27th April 9.30am Holy Communion
Sun 30th April 10.00am Parish Communion
6.00pm Evensong

Friday 24 March 2017

Pew Sheet 26th March 2017

St Dunstan’s Church, Monks Risborough
& St. Peter’s Chapel, Owlswick

Registered Charity Number: 1153869.

Part of the Risborough Team Ministry

Vicar: The Revd. James Tomkins
01844 275944 (day off Tuesday)
The Rectory, Mill Lane, Monks Risborough, HP27 9JE

Charlie Fairall 07584 264573
Johanna Powell 01844 343996


We hope you will appreciate worshipping here with us. Please see our welcome leaflet on the table for all of our services and activities. After the 10 am service coffee, squash and biscuits are served in the church hall.


Sunday 26th March 2017

Mothering Sunday

Today, as well as giving thanks for mothers, we also celebrate God’s mothering love. Male or female, parents or not, this is something we can all share.

8.00am Holy Communion
Readings: Exodus 16:2-7a, John 6: 1-14

10.00am All Age Family Service (no Communion)
Hymns: 332, 825, 819, 67, 631

3.00 pm  Owlswick Evensong
Readings: Micah 7, James 5
Hymns: 67, Psalm 31v1-9, 396, 64, 376

Prayer for the week:
God of love, passionate and strong, tender and careful: watch over us and hold us all the days of our life; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Your prayers are asked for:

  • Those killed, injured, bereaved or traumatised by the attack on Westminster Bridge and the Palace of Westminster that they may receive the comfort, support and strength that they need
  • The people of Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan and Nigeria who are starving, that they might receive sufficient rainfall, food, peace and security
  • Following the recent terrorist attack in London and the forthcoming negotiations surrounding Brexit that those in authority will work together in peace, harmony and understanding for the good of all people, regardless of their nationality and economic status.
  • Counsellors for those who have lost a loved one, for Funeral Directors and all who care for the bereaved.
  • Those who live on farms and in isolated areas. Riding Stables in this area.
  • Those living in Shootacre Lane (PR) Springwood (Sp)
  • Those who are in need in our parish:
    • Joan Ballance, Pam Johnson, Eddie Evans
  • And also further afield for:
    • Alastair, Katy, Georgina Cole, Ginny Gibbs, Rob, David Dewick, Val, Kim Norris, Alex Chauhan and family
  • The recently departed: Anne Frow
  • Those whose anniversary of death falls at this time:
    • Peter Frith, Julian Girling-Green, Dora Hobson, Francis Butt, John Newport

Please remember the charities that the parish supports:
Christian Aid is an international development charity. We work with people, of all faiths and none, in around 50 countries, to eradicate poverty.



Annual Meetings: April 3rd:
The annual church parish meeting will take place on Monday April 3rd in St. Dunstan’s. Drinks will be served from 7.30pm and the meeting will start at 8pm. Please can you make every effort to attend as we give thanks for all that has been achieved in the past year and think how together we can best connect and engage with the local community we are called to serve. Paper copies of the agenda and annual report are available from the tables by the south door. Alternatively all of the papers are available on the church website James

Lighthouse Quiz – Saturday 22nd April 2017 – 7:30 pm
Tables of eight, cost £5. Bring your own drinks and nibbles (no red wine as it stains the flooring). Raffle and Heads and Tails Game: offers of raffle or any other prizes greatly appreciated: to book a table or offer a prize contact Jamie Carter on 01844 273286. Booking essential

An Evening with the new Bishop of Oxford, Steven Croft, April 26th
Everyone is invited to attend this event at St. Mary’s Church, Princes Risborough. The evening starts at 7:30 pm and will finish at about 9:15/9:30 pm. There will be time for questions to the Bishop with refreshments (tea/coffee) being served part way through the evening.

Fellowship Group
Our next walk is on Tuesday 28th March – please meet in layby at 9.15am. On April 21st there is an outing to Lindengate therapeutic Garden. We shall be leaving from the layby in Monks Risborough at 11.30am .After a short introduction we shall be taken round the garden in small groups. Afterwards you might like to visit the Wyevale Garden Centre which is next door. The cost is £5.For further details please contact Rosemary Woodward-Court 344417

Friendship Group
We meet in the church hall on the third Wednesday of the month at 2.30pm. The next meeting is Wednesday 19th April.

Chinnor Silver Band Charity Concert, May 13th at 7.30pm
By popular demand the Chinnor Silver Band will be returning to St. Dunstan’s to give another fabulous concert to raise money for a variety of charities supported by the church. Tickets are £10 from Rachel (01844) 761535 or Sue (01844) 275287 or There will be a complimentary glass of wine or soft drink along with a prize raffle. Please come along to support this event and tell your friends about it.

St. Dunstan’s Gourmet Family BBQ May 21st
Save the date with details about this event to follow very soon!

A Day Trip to Rochester, Thursday August 3rd
Everyone along with their family and friends is welcome on this years’ parish visit to the historic city of Rochester with the second oldest cathedral in the country founded in 604 AD. The trip takes place on Thursday August 3rd and includes a guided tour of the cathedral in the morning, time to experience the breath-taking views of Rochester castle or follow in the footsteps of Charles Dickens in the afternoon, before returning to the cathedral for Choral Evensong at 5.30 pm in the evening. The coach will leave the lay-by in Monks Risborough at 8:15 am and return there at approximately 8.15 pm. Please bring a picnic lunch and tea or enjoy the refreshments within the city. The cost of the trip is £20 (children £10.00). Please book early to avoid disappointment by contacting Rev James Tomkins (01844) 275944 and sending your cheque payable to ‘Monks Risborough PCC’ to the Rectory, Mill Lane, Monks Risborough, HP27 9JE

Do something new!
Calibre Audio Library at Weston Turville supplies audio books to visually impaired people. They need more volunteers to check the discs and memory sticks. It's a very friendly environment. If you are interested ring Rosemary 344417

The Next Few Weeks 

Morning Prayer is held at 8.45am (except Bank Holidays) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays

Mon 27th March 8.00pm PCC Meeting (Church Hall)
Tues 28th March 9.15am Walking group (A4010 lay-by)
Wed 29th March 10.30am ‘Words of Worship’ Course
Thurs 30th March 9.30am Holy Communion
10.30am Monks Risborough School Service
2.00pm Monks Monkeys
Fri 31st March 9.30am Monks Risborough School Service
Sun 2nd April 8.00am Holy Communion
10.00am All Age Family Communion and Baptism
6.00pm Evensong
Mon 3rd April 7.30pm (drinks) for 8.00pm Annual Meetings
Thurs 6th April 9.30am Holy Communion with prayers for healing
Sun 9th April
Palm Sunday
Holy Week begins
10.00 Parish Communion (meet in the A4010 lay-by if you wish to take part in the procession of palms)
11.30am Holy Communion (BCP), Owlswick
6.00pm Evensong
Mon 10th April 8.00pm Stations of the Cross
Tues 11th April 11.00am WW1 Commemoration at the war memorial
8.00pm Compline (night prayer)
Wed 12th April 8.00pm Compline (Night prayer)
Thurs 13th April
Maundy Thursday
9.30am Holy Communion
8.00pm Parish Communion (washing of hands, stripping of the altars etc.)
Fri 14th April
Good Friday
2.00pm Service of readings and reflections at the ‘foot of the Cross'
Sun 16th April
Easter Day
6.00am ‘Sunrise service’ at Whiteleaf Cross (meet in the car park)
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
10.00am All Age Family Communion (and Easter egg hunt)
6.00pm Evensong
6.00pm ‘Later’ youth group, Princes Risborough Methodist Church

Saturday 18 March 2017

Pew Sheet 19th March 2017

St Dunstan’s Church, Monks Risborough
& St. Peter’s Chapel, Owlswick

Registered Charity Number: 1153869.

Part of the Risborough Team Ministry

Vicar: The Revd. James Tomkins
01844 275944 (day off Tuesday)
The Rectory, Mill Lane, Monks Risborough, HP27 9JE

Charlie Fairall 07584 264573
Johanna Powell 01844 343996

We hope you will appreciate worshipping here with us. Please see our welcome leaflet on the table for all of our services and activities. During the 10 am service the 10 o’clock club for children meets in the church hall where coffee, squash and biscuits are served after the service.

Sunday 19th March 2017

Third Sunday of Lent

Today we focus on the encounter, told in the Gospel of John, between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. So in our worship let us reflect on how we encounter Jesus in our own lives. In what spirit do we meet Jesus? How could we make these encounters richer?

10.00 am          Parish Communion
Hymns: 642, 647, 689
Psalm: 95 v 1-7
Communion: 82, 161 & 297
Anthem: Lord, for thy tender mercy’s sake (R. Farrant)

First Reading     Exodus 17:1-7
Thirsty and frightened, the Israelites turn on Moses. The Lord instructs Moses to strike the rock with his staff, and water will come out.

Second Reading      Romans 5:1-11
Paul writes to the Romans that God proved his love for us in that Christ died for us while we were still sinners. Consequently we are justified by his blood, and reconciled to God through his death.

Gospel      John 4:5-42
Jesus rests by Jacob’s well in a Samaritan city, where he meets a local woman and tells her about “living water”.

6.00 pm            Evensong
Readings: Numbers 21 v 4-9, Luke 14 v 25-33
Hymns: 551, 487, 327           Psalm: 40 v 1-13

6.00pm ‘Later’ youth group
(Princes Risborough Methodist Church) 

Prayer for the week:
God, living and true, look upon your people, whose dry and stony hearts are parched with thirst. Unseal the living water of your spirit; let it become within us an ever-flowing spring, leaping up into eternal life. Thus may we worship you in spirit and in truth through Christ, our deliverance and hope, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, holy and mighty God for ever and ever. Amen.

Your prayers are asked for:

  • Our church’s engagement with the local community so that we can grow ‘younger’ as a congregation and be more representative of the villages as a whole
  • Those facing food shortages and starvation in Somalia, South Sudan and other parts of Africa
  • All involved in the negotiations and political processes surrounding Brexit
  • Those involved in working for international aid agencies, serving communities to build long term sustainable futures
  • Fellowship and Friendship groups
  • Those living in Woodbine Close (Longwick) and Deanfield close (Saunderton)
  • Those who are in need in our parish:
    • Joan Ballance, Pam Johnson, Eddie Evans
  • And also further afield for:
    • Alastair, Katy, Georgina Cole, Ginny Gibbs, Rob, David Dewick, Val, Kim Norris
  • The recently departed: Anne Frow
  • Those whose anniversary of death falls at this time:
    • Ethel Seager; Agnes Bowell, Alan Laken, Eddy Tranter, John Clegg, Mark Russell, Doris Gomme, Tom Kingham

Please remember the charities that the parish supports:
Bucks Historic Churches Trust that gives grants towards the repair and restoration of over 300 churches 



Super Soup Lunch – March 13th
Record-breakers! That includes everyone who supported the Christian Aid Soup Day. We made our highest total of £224. This could go towards an energy saving stove £17, a back to school kit £20, toys for a children's centre £15 or water purification kits £5. Many thanks to the wonderful “souperstars” who made this possible. Rosemary Woodward-Court

‘Later’ Youth Group – Sunday March 19th
Meetings continue to be held on the evening of the 3rd Sunday of the month from 6-8 pm at Princes Risborough Methodist Church, Bell Street (next to ‘Bella Vita’) for all young people from years 7 to 11 in and around Risborough. The evenings feature food, a space to be and chat, a range of games/activities and a short interactive ‘God slot’. Please feel free to turn up on the evening or speak with James for more information.

Silent Prayer Meeting – Monday March 20th
We need silence to help us to get a proper perspective on our lives; to hear the still, small voice of God, and to refresh our inner being. All are welcome to these meetings in the church hall of any faith or none. Each meeting lasts about 45 minutes to an hour. The meeting starts with some simple relaxation exercises, a short passage from the Bible to reflect upon in the half hour of silence, followed by a time of sharing of our experiences if people wish. For more information please contact James.

Open House at the Rectory – The Pilgrim Course
This is open to everyone for a single session or the whole course. On Thursday March 23rd at 8 pm we shall be taking a further look at The Lord’s Prayer. James

Annual Meetings: April 3rd:
The annual church parish meeting will take place on Monday April 3rd in St. Dunstan’s. Drinks will be served from 7.30pm and the meeting will start at 8pm. Please can you make every effort to attend as we give thanks for all that has been achieved in the past year and think how together we can best connect and engage with the local community we are called to serve. A limited number of paper copies of the agenda and annual report are available from the tables by the south door. Alternatively all of the papers are available on the church website James

Lighthouse Quiz – Saturday 22nd April 2017 – 7:30 pm
Tables of eight, cost £5. Bring your own drinks and nibbles (no red wine as it stains the flooring). Raffle and Heads and Tails Game: offers of raffle or any other prizes greatly appreciated: to book a table or offer a prize contact Jamie Carter on 01844 273286. Booking essential.

An Evening with the new Bishop of Oxford, Steven Croft, April 26th
Everyone is invited to attend this event at St. Mary’s Church, Princes Risborough. The evening starts at 7:30 pm and will finish at about 9:15/9:30 pm. There will be time for questions to the Bishop with refreshments (tea/coffee) being served part way through the evening.

Do something new!
Calibre Audio Library at Weston Turville supplies audio books to visually impaired people. They need more volunteers to check the discs and memory sticks. It's a very friendly environment. If you are interested ring Rosemary 344417

The Next Few Weeks 

Morning Prayer is held at 8.45am (except Bank Holidays) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays

Mon 20th March 8.00pm Silent Prayer Meeting
(Church Hall)
Wed 22nd March 10.30am ‘Words of Worship Course’
Thurs 23rd March 9.30am Holy Communion
2.00pm Monks Monkeys (in the church)
2.00pm Knitters (and natterers) in the church hall)
8.00pm ‘Open House’ at The Rectory
Sun March 26th Clocks have gone forward one hour!
Mothering Sunday
8.00am Holy Communion
10.00am All Age Family Service (no Communion)
3.00pm Evensong, Owlswick
Mon 27th March 8.00pm PCC Meeting (Church Hall)
Tues 28th March 9.15am Walking group (A4010 lay-by)
Wed 29th March 10.30am ‘Words of Worship’ Course
Thurs 30th March 9.30am Holy Communion
10.30am Monks Risborough School Service
2.00pm Monks Monkeys
Fri 31st March 9.30am Monks Risborough School Service
Sun 2nd April 8.00am Holy Communion
10.00am All Age Family Communion and Baptism
6.00pm Evensong
Mon 3rd April 7.30pm (drinks) for 8.00pm Annual Meetings
Thurs 6th April 9.30am Holy Communion with prayers for healing
Sun 9th April
Palm Sunday
Holy Week begins
10.00 Parish Communion (meet in the A4010 lay-by if you wish to take part in the procession of palms)
11.30am Holy Communion (BCP), Owlswick
6.00pm Evensong
Mon 10th April 8.00pm Stations of the Cross
Tues 11th April 11.00am WW1 Commemoration at the war memorial
8.00pm Compline (night prayer)
Wed 12th April 8.00pm Compline (Night prayer)
Thurs 13th April
Maundy Thursday
9.30am Holy Communion
8.00pm Parish Communion (washing of hands, stripping of the altars etc.)
Fri 14th April
Good Friday
2.00pm Service of readings and reflections at the ‘foot of the Cross ‘
Sun 16th April
Easter Day
6.00am ‘Sunrise service’ at Whiteleaf Cross (meet in the car park)
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
10.00am All Age Family Communion (and Easter egg hunt)
6.00pm Evensong
6.00pm ‘Later’ youth group, Princes Risborough Methodist Church

Friday 10 March 2017

Pew Sheet 12th March 2017

St Dunstan’s Church, Monks Risborough
& St. Peter’s Chapel, Owlswick

Registered Charity Number: 1153869.

Part of the Risborough Team Ministry

Vicar: The Revd. James Tomkins
01844 275944 (day off Tuesday)
The Rectory, Mill Lane, Monks Risborough, HP27 9JE

Charlie Fairall 07584 264573
Johanna Powell 01844 343996

We hope you will appreciate worshipping here with us. Please see our welcome leaflet on the table for all of our services and activities. During the 10 am service the 10 o’clock club for children meets in the church hall where coffee, squash and biscuits are served after the service.

Sunday 12th March 2017

Second Sunday of Lent


“God so loved the world that he gave his only Son.” Today we focus on this pivotal event in John’s Gospel, and reflect upon the ‘light’ and ‘dark’ times of our lives. 

10.00 am          Parish Communion
Hymns: 57, 144, 19
Psalm: 121
Communion: 381, 69, 584
Anthem: Wash me throughly, D. Halls

First Reading      Genesis 12:1-4a
God makes a promise to Abram, who asks no questions, but simply obeys.

Second Reading      Romans 4:1- & 13-17
Faith is accounted as righteousness: what does this mean for Abraham’s heirs?
Gospel      John 3:1-17
All must be born again: why and how?

11.30am Holy Communion (BCP), Owlswick

6.00 pm            Evensong
Readings: Numbers 21 v 4-9, Luke 14 v 25-33
Hymns: 70, 169, 491
Psalm: 135: 1-14

Prayer for the week:
Almighty God, you show to those who are in error the light of your truth, that they may return to the way of righteousness: grant to all those who are admitted into the fellowship of Christ’s religion, that they may reject those things that are contrary to their profession, and follow all such things as are agreeable to the same; through our Lord Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Your prayers are asked for:

  • Our church’s engagement with the local community so that we can grow ‘younger’ as a congregation and be more representative of the villages as a whole
  • Those facing food shortages and starvation in Somalia, South Sudan and other parts of Africa
  • All involved in the negotiations and political processes surrounding Brexit
  • Those who answer emergency calls, for their patience and kindness, and the reassurance they offer to those in distress
  • The members of the women’s institutes in Risborough and Bledlow and other organisations and groups for women
  • Those living in Walnut Tree Lane (Longwick), Horsenden and Horsenden Lane
  • Those who are in need in our parish:
    • Joan Ballance, Pam Johnson, Eddie Evans
  • And also further afield for:
    • Alastair, Katy, Georgina Cole, Ginny Gibbs, Rob, David Dewick, Val,
  • The recently departed:
  • Those whose anniversary of death falls at this time:
    • Ethel Seager; Agnes Bowell, Alan Laken, Eddy Tranter, John Clegg, Mark Russell, Doris Gomme, Tom Kingham

Please remember the charities that the parish supports:
Anorexia and Bulimia care



Super Soup Lunch – March 13th in the church hall
Everyone is invited to the church hall (12.15-1.45) for a bowl of home-made soup, crusty roll and hot drink. The suggested donation to Christian Aid is £5. If anyone can help make soup or serve on the day please contact Rosemary Woodward-Court (344417)

Electoral roll

If you wish to have your name added please complete an application form, available in the Church porch, and return to me not later than 13th March 2017. This notice applies to persons not already on the roll and wishing to enrol and to those on the roll but wanting their name removed from it. Keith Barnes 5, Windsor Lodge, Wellington Avenue, Princes Risborough HP27 9EE

‘Later’ Youth Group – Sunday March 19th
Meetings continue to be held on the evening of the 3rd Sunday of the month from 6-8 pm at Princes Risborough Methodist Church, Bell Street (next to ‘Bella Vita’) for all young people from years 7 to 11 in and around Risborough. The evenings feature food, a space to be and chat, a range of games/activities and a short interactive ‘God slot’. Please feel free to turn up on the evening or speak with James for more information.

Silent Prayer Meeting – Monday March 20th
We need silence to help us to get a proper perspective on our lives; to hear the still, small voice of God, and to refresh our inner being. All are welcome to these meetings in the church hall of any faith or none. Each meeting lasts about 45 minutes to an hour. The meeting starts with some simple relaxation exercises, a short passage from the Bible to reflect upon in the half hour of silence, followed by a time of sharing of our experiences if people wish. For more information please contact James.

Open House at the Rectory – The Pilgrim Course
This is open to everyone for a single session or the whole course. On Thursday March 23rd at 8 pm we shall be taking a further look at The Lord’s Prayer. James

A Date for your Diary:
The annual church parish meeting will take place on Monday April 3rd in St. Dunstan’s. Drinks will be served from 7.30pm and the meeting will start at 8pm. Please can you make every effort to attend. James

Do something new!
Calibre Audio Library at Weston Turville supplies audio books to visually impaired people. They need more volunteers to check the discs and memory sticks. It's a very friendly environment. If you are interested ring Rosemary 344417.

Lighthouse Quiz – Saturday 22nd April 2017 – 7:30 pm
Tables of eight, cost £5. Bring your own drinks and nibbles (no red wine as it stains the flooring). Raffle and Heads and Tails Game: offers of raffle or any other prizes greatly appreciated: to book a table or offer a prize contact Jamie Carter on 01844 273286. Booking essential

The Next Few Weeks 

Morning Prayer is held at 8.45am (except Bank Holidays) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays

Mon 13th March 12.15pm Super Soup’ lunch (see notices)
Wed 15th March 10.30am ‘Words of Worship’ course
2.30pm Friendship Group
Thurs 16th March 9.30am Holy Communion
2.00pm Monks Monkeys
Sun 19th March 10.00am Parish Communion
6.00pm Evensong
6.00pm ‘Later’ Youth Group (Princes Risborough Methodist Church)
Mon 20th March 8.00pm Silent Prayer Meeting (Church Hall)
Wed 22nd March 10.30am ‘Words of Worship Course’
Thurs 23rd March 9.30am Holy Communion
2.00pm Monks Monkeys (in the church)
2.00pm Knitters (and natterers) in the church hall)
8.00pm ‘Open House’ at The Rectory
Sun March 26th Clocks have gone forward one hour!
Mothering Sunday
8.00am Holy Communion
10.00am All Age Family Service
6.00pm Evensong
Mon 27th March 8.00pm PCC Meeting
Tues 28th March 9.15am Walking group (A4010 lay-by)
Wed 29th March 10.30am ‘Words of Worship’ Course
Thurs 30th March 9.30am Holy Communion
10.30am Monks Risborough School Service
2.00pm Monks Monkeys
Fri 31st March 9.30am Monks Risborough School Service
Sun 2nd April 8.00am Holy Communion
10.00am All Age Family Communion and Baptism
6.00pm Evensong
Mon 3rd April 7.30pm (drinks) for 8.00pm Annual Meetings
Thurs 6th April 9.30am Holy Communion with prayers for healing
Sun 9th April
Palm Sunday
Holy Week begins
10.00 Parish Communion (meet in the A4010 lay-by if you wish to take part in the procession)
11.30am Holy Communion (BCP), Owlswick
Mon 10th April 8.00pm Stations of the Cross
Tues 11th April 11.00am WW1 Commemoration at the war memorial
8.00pm Compline (night prayer)
Wed 12th April 8.00pm Compline (Night prayer)
Thurs 13th April
Maundy Thursday
9.30am Holy Communion
8.00pm Parish Communion (washing of hands, stripping of the altars etc.)
Fri 14th April
Good Friday
2.00pm Service of readings and reflections at the ‘foot of the Cross'