Friday 27 September 2019

Pew Sheet 29th September 2019

St Dunstan’s Church, Monks Risborough
& St. Peter’s Chapel, Owlswick

Registered Charity Number: 1153869.

Part of the Risborough Team Ministry

Vicar: The Revd. James Tomkins
01844 275944 (day off Tuesday)
The Rectory, Mill Lane, Monks Risborough, HP27 9JE

Johanna Powell 01844 343996
Margaret Hunnibell 01844 274366

We hope you will appreciate worshipping here with us. Please take away our welcome leaflet on the table for all of our services and activities. Please do make use of the children’s corner in church with books, colouring sheets, toys etc. The 10 o’clock for babies, toddlers, children and young people meet in the church hall during the 10.00 am service where coffee and squash is served afterwards.

The Church is open daily from at least 9.30-4.00pm.

Sunday 29th September 2019

Michael and All Angels

As we commemorate today the feast of Michael and All Angels, our heavenly Father calls us to marvel at the ministry of angels in our world. Let us come before God in worship, praise and thanksgiving.

10.00am Parish Communion

First reading: Genesis 28 v 10-17
One night, on his journey to Haran, Jacob dreams of a ladder stretching between heaven and earth, on which angels are ascending and descending. The Lord appears and tells of his family’s future, promising not to leave him.

Second Reading: Revelation 12 v 7-12
Using apocalyptic language, the author tells of a war in heaven between Michael and his angels, and the dragon called Satan. A voice in heaven proclaims the power of God’s kingdom and the Messiah’s authority. The devil’s resistance will be short-lived.

Gospel: John 1 v 47 - end
Nathanael comes to believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus tells him that he will come to see even greater things.
Hymns: 534, 86, 37, 758
Anthem: Locus Iste (A. Bruckner)
Communion: 41, 165, 154,

6.00pm Evensong
Readings: Daniel 10 v 4 -end, Revelation 5.
Hymns: 755, 756, 587; Psalm 138.

Prayer of the week:

Everlasting God, you have ordained and constituted the ministries of angels and mortals in a wonderful order: grant that as your holy angels always serve you in heaven, so, at your command, they may help and defend us on earth; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.


Your prayers are asked this week for:

  • The healing of our country: that our political leaders might find solutions that will help to mend the divisions caused by the Brexit debate.
  • Those being ordained deacon or priest at Michaelmas
  • The peace of the world following the latest bombing in Afghanistan outside a hospital
  • The United Nations and its bringing together of nations and people to reach a consensus of the world’s needs
  • The Red Lion PH at Whiteleaf and The Plough at Cadsden. 
  • Staddle Stones & Kop Hill (PR) Trout Hollow (Sa)
  • Those who are in need in our parish:
    • Pam Johnson, Veronica Parker, Pam Strickland, Mary Copcutt, John Hobson, Mary Kent and Michael Hopkins
  • And also further afield for:
    • Alastair, Georgina Cole, Ginny Gibbs, Cathy Owen, Gail, Suzy Cooper, Jonathan Kelly, Joshua, Marj, Bill, Sue, Jo and Marriette
  • The recently departed:
    • Terry Meek, Tim Addison
  • Those whose anniversary of death falls at this time:
    • Evelyn Monaghan, Pat Fisher, Anita Martin, Linda Adams, Dave Wheeler.
Please remember the charities that the parish supports:
 The Princes Centre provides day care services for older people and people with different disabilities




Ride and Stride Success!
Very many thanks to those who rode on behalf of our parish, and to the welcomers. We had 45 visitors at St Dunstan's and 24 at St Peter's. Will let you know the amount raised when we have it. Rosemary

Harvest Time at St. Dunstan’s and St. Peter’s
  • Services at St. Dunstan’s, Monks Risborough on Sunday October 6th at 11.00 am.
  • Harvest Festival Lunch will be held in the Scout Hall in Courtmoor Close, Monks Risborough at 12:30pm Sunday October 6th. The Last date for tickets is TODAY from Rachel Ungi (01844 761535) or Susanne Carr (01844 346827): adults £6, children 18 or under £3. If you can provide a pudding please can you complete the list in the porch.
  • The Whitechapel Mission provides hot food and a drink, showers, clothing, free toilets and the chance of a wash and brush-up to homeless people in London. As in previous years we are delighted to accept your donations for the work of the Whitechapel Mission at or before the Harvest services. Please log on to their website, click on ‘donate’ and scroll down to ‘donate gifts, our current needs’ for a list of the things most desperately needed. A list of these items can also be found in the porch. Thank you in anticipation of your help.
Quiz at Orchard View Farm, Little Meadle
This is in aid of St. Peter’s Chapel, Owlswick and takes place on Saturday 26th October starting 7.30pm. Teams of up to 6 people @ £12.50 per head to include a delicious supper of slow cooked beef bourguignon with vegetables (a vegetarian bourguignon is also available). Licenced bar: Prosecco, Red, White & Rose wine; beer, lager, cider as well as a great selection of soft drinks. To book your team ring 01844 347906 or email
Will Aid November 2019
Have your Will professionally written by a good solicitor and you’ll have the added feel-good factor of supporting nine of the UK’s best loved charities. Instead of paying a fee, the solicitor will invite you to make a donation to charity. Suggested voluntary donations are £100 for a basic Will, or £180 for a pair of basic ‘mirror’ Wills. Your donation will be shared between the nine Will Aid charities and will be used to help vulnerable people in the UK and around the world. To find your nearest available Will Aid solicitor please log on to James

St. Andrews Christian Bookshop Great Missenden
St. Andrews offers an extensive selection of Bibles, Christian books, resources, second hand books, Children’s books, cards, gifts, CDs and DVDs. They are located at 61-65 High Street, Great Missenden, HP16 0AA and you can also shop on line at Leaflets about the bookshop can also be found on the table near the south door. James

The Next Few Weeks 

Morning Prayer usually takes place on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8.45am to 9.05am (except Bank Holidays). Everyone is welcome.

Sun 29th Sept 10.00am Parish Communion        
6.00pm Evensong
Thurs 3rd Oct 9.30am Holy Communion
1.30pm Funeral of Terry Meek
2.00pm Monks Monkeys (church hall)
Fri 4th Oct 12.30pm Wedding Blessing
Sun 6th Oct Harvest Festival 8.00am Holy Communion               
11.00am All Age Family Service without Communion
12.30 Harvest Festival Lunch (see notices)
6.00pm Evensong
Mon 7th Oct 9.30am Monks Risborough School Harvest Service
2.00pm Funeral of Tim  Addison
Thurs 10th Oct 9.30am Holy Communion                  
2.30pm Monks Monkeys (church hall)
7.30pm Fellowship Group in the church hall: ‘Objects with stories’ (change to programme)
Sat 12th Oct 3.00pm The Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary (GSS)
Sun 13th Oct 10.00am Parish Communion             
11.30am Owlswick Holy Communion       
6.00pm Evensong
Wed 16th Oct. 2.30pm Friendship Group outing (contact Avril Clark 342165 for details)
Thurs 17th
9:30am Holy Communion
2.00pm Monks Monkeys
Sun 20th Oct 10.00am Parish Communion            
6.00pm Evensong
6.00pm ‘Later’ Youth Group (Princes Risborough Methodist Church)
Tues 22nd Oct 9.15am Fellowship Walk (layby)
Wed 23rd Oct 2.30pm Friendship Group (church hall)
Thurs 24th Oct 9.30am Holy Communion  
2.00pm Knitters & Natterers (church hall)
2.00pm Monks Monkeys (in church)
Sat 26th Oct 7.30 pm Owlswick Quiz Evening (see notices)
Sun 27th Oct 10.00am Parish Communion          
3.00pm Owlswick Evensong
Mon 28th Oct 8.00pm Silent Prayer Meeting (church hall)
Wed 30th Oct 7.30pm The Pilgrim Course (at the Rectory)
Thurs 31st Oct 9.30am Holy Communion
Sat 2nd Nov 9.30am Churchyard Leaf Sweep
Sun 3rd Nov 8.00am Holy Communion            
10.00am All Age Family Communion 
3.00pm Time to Remember Service
Mon 4th Nov 8.00pm PCC meeting
Thurs 7th Nov 9.30am Holy Communion                
2.00pm Monks Monkeys
Sat 9th Nov 5.00pm Film Night: Mary Poppins Returns (U)
Sun 10th Nov Remembrance Sunday 10.00am Parish Remembrance Service (no communion)  
10.55am Act of Remembrance at the war memorial (Mill Lane/A4010)                            
11.30am Owlswick Holy Communion 
6,00pm Evensong

Friday 20 September 2019

Pew Sheet 22nd September 2019

St Dunstan’s Church, Monks Risborough
& St. Peter’s Chapel, Owlswick

Registered Charity Number: 1153869.

Part of the Risborough Team Ministry

Vicar: The Revd. James Tomkins
01844 275944 (day off Tuesday)
The Rectory, Mill Lane, Monks Risborough, HP27 9JE

Johanna Powell 01844 343996
Margaret Hunnibell 01844 274366

We hope you will appreciate worshipping here with us. Please take away our welcome leaflet on the table for all of our services and activities. Please do make use of the children’s corner in church with books, colouring sheets, toys etc. The 10 o’clock for babies, toddlers, children and young people meet in the church hall during the 10.00 am service where coffee and squash is served afterwards.

The Church is open daily from at least 9.30-4.00pm.

Sunday 22nd September 2019

Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity

Christians often call Jesus “Lord”. Today we reflect on what it means to declare Christ our Lord, our King and our Master. So let us prepare ourselves by humbly submitting to the Almighty and come together to worship our heavenly King.

10.00am Parish Communion

First reading: Amos 8 v 4-7
The prophet Amos pronounces God’s judgement upon the people of Israel for their greed, exploitation of the poor and dishonest trading practices.

Second Reading: 1 Timothy 2 v 1-7
Paul gives the young leader Timothy instructions about what practices he wants him to establish in the church at Ephesus.

Gospel: Luke 16 v 1-13
Jesus’ parable about a dishonest steward who made shrewd preparations for his future encourages us to show shrewdness, too, in preparing for our heavenly future.

Hymns: 382, 118, 752, 238
Anthem: Jesu, the very thought of thee
Communion: 88, 304, 362 

6.00pm Owlswick Harvest Festival Evensong
Readings: Deuteronomy 26 v 1-11, John 6 v 25-35.
Hymns: 262, 285, 260, 261; Psalm 100.

Prayer of the week:

God our saviour, you call us into your service. Make us wise and resourceful: children of the light who continue your work in this world, with untiring concern for integrity and justice.  We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen.


Your prayers are asked this week for:

  • The people of Israel as they enter another period of political uncertainty after their election: that peace with Palestine becomes a realistic possibility. 
  • The healing of our country: that our political leaders might find solutions that will help to mend the divisions caused by the Brexit debate.
  • Those being ordained deacon or priest at Michaelmas
  • The peace of the world following the latest bombing in Afghanistan outside a hospital
  • Those who work for the worlds space agencies as they continue humanity’s quest to explore and answer questions about the universe.
  • The mission, ministry and congregational life of St Michael’s Church, Horsenden. 
  • Wycombe Road (B & LG) Hillview (Sa)
  • Those who are in need in our parish:
    • Pam Johnson, Veronica Parker, Pam Strickland, Mary Copcutt, John Hobson, Mary Kent and Michael Hopkins
  • And also further afield for:
    • Alastair, Georgina Cole, Ginny Gibbs, Cathy Owen, Gail, Suzy Cooper, Jonathan Kelly, Joshua, Marj, Bill, Sue, Jo and Marriette
  • The recently departed:
    • Terry Meek, Tim Addison
  • Those whose anniversary of death falls at this time:
    • Gladys Jackson, Larry Mendy, Lilian Bishop, Marjorie Bennett.

Please remember the charities that the parish supports:
 The Princes Centre provides day care services for older people and people with different disabilities



 Harvest Time at St. Dunstan’s and St. Peter’s

  • Services are taking place at St. Peter’s Chapel, Owlswick TODAY at 6 pm (followed by light refreshments) and at St. Dunstan’s, Monks Risborough on Sunday October 6th at 11.00 am.
  • Harvest Festival Lunch will be held in the Scout Hall in Courtmoor Close, Monks Risborough at 12:30pm Sunday October 6th. Tickets are available until September 29th from Rachel Ungi (01844 761535) or Susanne Carr (01844 346827): adults £6, children 18 or under £3. If you can provide a pudding please can you complete the list in the porch.
  • The Whitechapel Mission provides hot food and a drink, showers, clothing, free toilets and the chance of a wash and brush-up to homeless people in London. As in previous years we are delighted to accept your donations for the work of the Whitechapel Mission at or before the Harvest services. Please log on to their website, click on ‘donate’ and scroll down to ‘donate gifts, our current needs’ for a list of the things most desperately needed. A list of these items can also be found in the porch. Thank you in anticipation of your help.
Pilgrim Course on Holy Communion
A six session course that covers why Holy Communion is celebrated as a memorial of Christ’s saving passion and stands at the very heart of worship continues on Monday September 23rd at 7.30pm at the Rectory as part of the ‘Open House’ group that meets about once a month. You do not need to attend every session. All welcome. James

New Book Group
A new monthly book group is starting on Monday September 23rd at 8 pm in the church hall. If you enjoy reading and would like to join me, please let me know. Sue Ingram 01844 275287 / 07786 986823 /
Coffee Morning for Macmillan Cancer Support
Come along to a coffee morning at 22 Northfield Road, Princes Risborough (Debbie Norie’s house) from 9.30-2.30pm to help more people with cancer live life as fully as they can.

Big Band Swing Concert: Sat September 28th, 7.30pm
Much loved music by Count Basie, Glenn Miller, Ella Fitzgerald etc. There will be a prize raffle and complimentary glass of wine/soft drink. Tickets £10 available from Sally’s Sewing Box, Duke Street, Princes Risborough or
or Jackie (in the choir) 01844 343755

Will Aid November 2019
Have your Will professionally written by a good solicitor and you’ll have the added feel-good factor of supporting nine of the UK’s best loved charities. Instead of paying a fee, the solicitor will invite you to make a donation to charity. Suggested voluntary donations are £100 for a basic Will, or £180 for a pair of basic ‘mirror’ Wills. Your donation will be shared between the nine Will Aid charities and will be used to help vulnerable people in the UK and around the world. To find your nearest available Will Aid solicitor please log on to James

St. Andrews Christian Bookshop Great Missenden
St. Andrews offers an extensive selection of Bibles, Christian books, resources, second hand books, Children’s books, cards, gifts, CDs and DVDs. They are located at 61-65 High Street, Great Missenden, HP16 0AA and you can also shop on line at Leaflets about the bookshop can also be found on the table near the south door. James


The Next Few Weeks 

Morning Prayer usually takes place on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8.45am to 9.05am (except Bank Holidays). Everyone is welcome.

Sun 22nd Sept 10.00am Parish Communion 
(50th anniversary of Rob becoming a deacon)       
6.00pm Owlswick Harvest Festival Evensong (light refreshments afterwards)
Mon 23rd Sept 7.30pm Pilgrim Course (‘Open House’) at the Rectory: all welcome
8.00pm Book group (Church hall – see notices)
Tues 24th Sept 9.15am Fellowship Walk (layby)
Thurs 26th Sept 9.30am Holy Communion  
2.00pm Knitters and Natterers (church hall)
2.00pm Monks Monkeys (church)
Sat 28th Sept 7.30pm Big Band Swing Concert (see notices)
Sun 29th Sept 10.00am Parish Communion        
6.00pm Evensong
Thurs 3rd Oct 9.30am Holy Communion
1.30pm Funeral of Terry Meek
2.00pm Monks Monkeys (church hall)
Fri 4th Oct 12.30pm Wedding Blessing
Sun 6th Oct Harvest Festival 8.00am Holy Communion               
11.00am All Age Family Service without Communion
12.00/12.30 Harvest Festival Lunch
(see notices)
6.00pm Evensong
Mon 7th Oct 9.30am Monks Risborough School Harvest Service
Thurs 10th Oct 9.30am Holy Communion                  
2.30pm Monks Monkeys (church hall)
7.30pm Fellowship Group in the church hall: ‘Objects with stories’ (change to programme)
Sat 12th Oct 3.00pm The Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary (GSS)
Sun 13th Oct 10.00am Parish Communion             
11.30am Owlswick Holy Communion     
6.00pm Evensong
Wed 16th Oct. 2.30pm Friendship Group outing (contact Avril Clark 342165 for details)
Thurs 17th Oct 9:30am Holy Communion
2.00pm Monks Monkeys
Sun 20th Oct 10.00am Parish Communion            
6.00pm Evensong

Friday 13 September 2019

Pew Sheet 15th September 2019

St Dunstan’s Church, Monks Risborough
& St. Peter’s Chapel, Owlswick

Registered Charity Number: 1153869.

Part of the Risborough Team Ministry

Vicar: The Revd. James Tomkins
01844 275944 (day off Tuesday)
The Rectory, Mill Lane, Monks Risborough, HP27 9JE

Johanna Powell 01844 343996
Margaret Hunnibell 01844 274366

We hope you will appreciate worshipping here with us. Please take away our welcome leaflet on the table for all of our services and activities. Please do make use of the children’s corner in church with books, colouring sheets, toys etc. The 10 o’clock for babies, toddlers, children and young people meet in the church hall during the 10.00 am service where coffee and squash is served afterwards.

The Church is open daily from at least 9.30-4.00pm.

Sunday 15th September 2019

Thirteen Sunday after Trinity

We come to God, knowing we are welcome to enter God’s presence through the grace of the Son. Let us then offer God our grateful praise.

10.00am Parish Communion

First reading: Exodus 32 v 7-14
On Mount Sinai, Moses appeals to God’s earlier promises of blessing and provision for the Israelites practising idolatry below. His plea is heard, and God’s holy anger averted.

Second Reading: 1 Timothy 1 v 12-17
Paul expresses gratitude for Christ’s forgiveness of him and his call to serve. His life exemplifies the extent of God’s mercy, bringing hope to repentant sinners.

Gospel: Luke 15 v 1-10
In parallel parables, Jesus addresses religious disapproval of his social life. He reveals God’s desire to open the doors of the kingdom to everyone.

Hymns: 552, 649, 394 (vs. 6-11), 565.
Anthem: Jesu, joy of man’s desiring (J.S. Bach)
Communion: 374, 938, 432

6.00pm Evensong
Readings: Isaiah Ch 60, John 6 v 51-69
Hymns: 656, 156, 174; Psalm 124.

Prayer of the week:

O God, undaunted you seek the lost, exultant you bring home the found. Touch our hearts with grateful wonder at the tenderness of your forbearing love. Grant us delight in the mercy that has found us and bring all to rejoice at the feast of forgiveness. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen.


Your prayers are asked this week for:

  • The world: that divisions and conflicts that divide us give way to reconciliation and peace.
  • Those who govern our country; that, through the power of the Holy Spirit, dissensions may cease and true and wise discernment may lead to just decisions being taken
  • Migrants and refugees fleeing from oppression and making the perilous journey in small boats across the Channel.
  • Our national parks, giving thanks for the opening of access to the beauties of the natural world.
  • The mission, ministry and congregational life of The Baptist Chapel in Speen
  • Wheelwright Road (L) Perry Lane (B)
  • Those who are in need in our parish:
    • Pam Johnson, Veronica Parker, Pam Strickland, Mary Copcutt, John Hobson, Mary Kent and Michael Hopkins
  • And also further afield for:
    • Alastair, Georgina Cole, Ginny Gibbs, Cathy Owen, Gail, Suzy Cooper, Jonathan Kelly, Joshua, Marj, Bill, Sue, Jo and Marriette
  • The recently departed: Terry Meek
  • Those whose anniversary of death falls at this time:
    • John White, Abigail Wright, Ron Stiff, Joyce Montague, Sally Gordon.

Please remember the charities that the parish supports:
 The Princes Centre provides day care services for older people and people with different disabilities



Harvest Time at St. Dunstan’s and St. Peter’s

  • Services are taking place at St. Peter’s Chapel, Owlswick on Sunday September 22nd at 6 pm (followed by light refreshments) and at St. Dunstan’s, Monks Risborough on Sunday October 6th at 11.00 am.
  • Harvest Festival Lunch will be held in the Scout Hall in Courtmoor Close, Monks Risborough at 12:30pm Sunday October 6th. Tickets are available from Rachel Ungi (01844 761535) or Susanne Carr (01844 346827): adults £6, children 18 or under £3. If you can provide a pudding please can you complete the list in the porch.
  • The Whitechapel Mission provides hot food and a drink, showers, clothing, free toilets and the chance of a wash and brush-up to homeless people in London. As in previous years we are delighted to accept your donations for the work of the Whitechapel Mission at or before the Harvest services. Please log on to their website, click on ‘donate’ and scroll down to ‘donate gifts, our current needs’ for a list of the things most desperately needed. A list of these items can also be found in the porch. Thank you in anticipation of your help.
New Book Group
A new monthly book group is starting on Monday September 23rd at 8 pm in the church hall. If you enjoy reading and would like to join me, please let me know. Sue Ingram 01844 275287 / 07786 986823 /
Coffee Morning for Macmillan Cancer Support
Come along to a coffee morning at 22 Northfield Road, Princes Risborough (Debbie Norie’s house) from 9.30-2.30pm to help more people with cancer live life as fully as they can.

Big Band Swing Concert: Sat September 28th, 7.30pm
Much loved music by Count Basie, Glenn Miller, Ella Fitzgerald etc. There will be a prize raffle and complimentary glass of wine/soft drink. Tickets £10 available from Sally’s Sewing Box, Duke Street, Princes Risborough or
or Jackie (in the choir) 01844 343755

Will Aid November 2019
Have your Will professionally written by a good solicitor and you’ll have the added feel-good factor of supporting nine of the UK’s best loved charities. Instead of paying a fee, the solicitor will invite you to make a donation to charity. Suggested voluntary donations are £100 for a basic Will, or £180 for a pair of basic ‘mirror’ Wills. Your donation will be shared between the nine Will Aid charities and will be used to help vulnerable people in the UK and around the world. To find your nearest available Will Aid solicitor please log on to James

Storage Facility Required
We have been advised by our church insurer that we are no longer able to store the plastic tables and chairs (and the traffic bollards) in the boiler room. If anyone is able to store some or all of these items please can you let me know. Many thanks, James

St. Andrews Christian Bookshop Great Missenden
St. Andrews offers an extensive selection of Bibles, Christian books, resources, second hand books, Children’s books, cards, gifts, CDs and DVDs. They are located at 61-65 High Street, Great Missenden, HP16 0AA and you can also shop on line at Leaflets about the bookshop can also be found on the table near the south door. James

“Some things are better left unsaid. You don’t have to win every argument or comment on every situation. Just bite your tongue and let it go.” Joel Osteen
“When you begin to realise that your past does not necessarily dictate the outcome of your future, then you can release the hurt. It is impossible to inhale new air until you exhale the old.” – T.D. Jakes

The Next Few Weeks 

Morning Prayer usually takes place on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8.45am to 9.05am (except Bank Holidays). Everyone is welcome.

Sun 15th Sept 10.00am Parish Communion          
6.00pm Evensong
Mon 16th Sept 8.00pm PCC meeting (church hall)
Wed 18th Sept 2.30pm Friendship Group (church hall)
Thurs 19th Sept 9.30am Holy Communion                
2.00pm Monks Monkeys (church hall)
Sun 22nd Sept 10.00am Parish Communion 
(50th anniversary of Rob becoming a deacon)       
6.00pm Owlswick Harvest Festival Evensong (light refreshments afterwards)
Mon 23rd Sept 7.30pm Pilgrim Course (‘Open House’) at the Rectory: all welcome
8.00pm Book group (Church hall – see notices)
Tues 24th Sept 9.15am Fellowship Walk (layby)
Thurs 26th Sept 9.30am Holy Communion  
2.00pm Knitters and Natterers (church)              
2.00pm Monks Monkeys (church)
Sat 28th Sept 7.30pm Big Band Swing Concert (see notices)
Sun 29th Sept 10.00am Parish Communion        
6.00pm Evensong
Thurs 3rd Oct 9.30am Holy Communion
1.30pm Funeral of Terry Meek
2.00pm Monks Monkeys (church hall)
Fri 4th Oct 12.30pm Wedding Blessing
Sun 6th Oct Harvest Festival 8.00am Holy Communion               
11.00am All Age Family Service without Communion
12.00/12.30 Harvest Festival Lunch
(see notices)
6.00pm Evensong
Mon 7th Oct 9.30am Monks Risborough School Harvest Service
Thurs 10th Oct 9.30am Holy Communion                  
2.30pm Monks Monkeys (church hall)
7.30pm Fellowship Group in the church hall: ‘Objects with stories’ (change to programme)
Sat 12th Oct 3.00pm The Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary (GSS)
Sun 13th Oct 10.00am Parish Communion             
11.30am Owlswick Holy Communion       
6.00pm Evensong

Friday 6 September 2019

Pew Sheet 8th September 2019

St Dunstan’s Church, Monks Risborough
& St. Peter’s Chapel, Owlswick

Registered Charity Number: 1153869.

Part of the Risborough Team Ministry

Vicar: The Revd. James Tomkins
01844 275944 (day off Tuesday)
The Rectory, Mill Lane, Monks Risborough, HP27 9JE

Johanna Powell 01844 343996
Margaret Hunnibell 01844 274366

We hope you will appreciate worshipping here with us. Please take away our welcome leaflet on the table for all of our services and activities. Please do make use of the children’s corner in church with books, colouring sheets, toys etc. The 10 o’clock for babies, toddlers, children and young people meet in the church hall during the 10.00 am service where coffee and squash is served afterwards.
The Church is open daily from at least 9.30-4.00pm.

Sunday 8th September 2019

Twelfth Sunday after Trinity

Come and rejoice! Bring all that you have, and all that you are, and place it before God at the altar. God will welcome you.

10.00am Parish Communion

First reading: Deuteronomy 30 v 15-end
Second Reading: Philemon v 1-21
Gospel: Luke 14 v 25-33
Hymns: 219, 629, 394 (VS. 1-5 &11), 503.
Communion: 83, 310, 496
Anthem: God be in my head (H. Walford-Davies)

11.30am Owlswick Holy Communion
Readings: Philemon v 1-21, Luke 14 v 25-33

6.00pm Evensong
Readings: Isaiah 43 v 14- Ch 44 v 5, John 5 v 30-end.
Hymns: 314, 626, 232; Psalm 121.

Prayer of the week:

God of all ages, you call the Church to keep watching the world and discern the signs of the times. Grant us the wisdom which your Spirit bestows, that with courage we may proclaim your prophetic word and complete the work you have set before us. We make our prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who loves and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen.

Your prayers are asked this week for:

  • The victims of Hurricane Dorian and all those working to restore essential services and rebuild lives and infrastructure
  • Effective action to tackle global warming following further reports of the melting of the Greenland’s ice
  • Everybody involved in the Brexit process, that a constructive way forward may be found
  • Refugees forced to leave their homes and the security and peace of the countries they have left behind.
  • Students, teachers and parents at the start of the new academic year, especially those shortly to take the 11 +
  • All those who harvest the sea and face many dangers to bring food from the ocean to our tables.
  • The Bishop of Buckingham and the Archdeacon of Buckingham.
  • Town Farm Barns (PR) Shootacre Lane (B)
  • Those who are in need in our parish:
    • Pam Johnson, Veronica Parker, Pam Strickland, Mary Copcutt, John Hobson, Mary Kent and Michael Hopkins
  • And also further afield for:
    • Alastair, Georgina Cole, Ginny Gibbs, Cathy Owen, Gail, Suzy Cooper, Jonathan Kelly, Joshua, Marj, Bill, Sue, Jo and Marriette
  • The recently departed:
  • Those whose anniversary of death falls at this time:
    • Peggy Mitton, Peter Felton, Kath Ward, Lilian Roffey, Derek Whyte, Maureen Roberts, Ros Read, Sheila Botten.
Please remember the charities that the parish supports:
 The Princes Centre provides day care services for older people and people with different disabilities




Silent Prayer Meeting: Monday September 9th at 8pm
We need silence to help us to get a proper perspective on our lives; to hear the still, small voice of God, and to refresh our inner being. Each meeting in the church hall lasts about 45 minutes. The meeting starts with some simple relaxation exercises, a short passage from the Bible to reflect upon in the half hour of silence, followed by a time of sharing of our experiences if people wish. James

Copy date for the next Newsletter is 10th September.  Please send entries to or John McKay

Ride and stride September 14th
This annual event encourages us to ride (horses or bikes), stride or jog between local churches collecting sponsorship money for the Bucks Historic Churches Trust and our own church. You can choose your own route and travel at your own pace. If you’d like to take part/to be a welcomer for visitors here, please contact me for details and/or sign the list in the porch. Thanks, Rosemary 344417

Harvest Time at St. Dunstan’s and St. Peter’s

  • Services are taking place at St. Peter’s Chapel, Owlswick on Sunday September 22nd at 6 pm (followed by light refreshments) and at St. Dunstan’s, Monks Risborough on Sunday October 6th at 11.00 am.
  • Harvest Festival Lunch will be held in the Scout Hall in Courtmoor Close, Monks Risborough at 12:30pm Sunday October 6th. Tickets are available from Rachel Ungi (01844 761535) or Susanne Carr (01844 346827): adults £6, children 18 or under £3. If you can provide a pudding please can you complete the list in the porch.
  • The Whitechapel Mission provides hot food and a drink, showers, clothing, free toilets and the chance of a wash and brush-up to homeless people in London. As in previous years we are delighted to accept your donations for the work of the Whitechapel Mission at or before the Harvest services. Please log on to their website, click on ‘donate’ and scroll down to ‘donate gifts, our current needs’ for a list of the things most desperately needed. A list of these items can also be found in the porch. Thank you in anticipation of your help.
New Book Group
A new monthly book group is starting on Monday September 23rd at 8 pm in the church hall. If you enjoy reading and would like to join me, please let me know. Sue Ingram 01844 275287 / 07786 986823 /
Big Band Swing Concert: Sat September 28th, 7.30pm
Much loved music by Count Basie, Glenn Miller, Ella Fitzgerald etc. There will be a prize raffle and complimentary glass of wine/soft drink. Tickets £10 available from Sally’s Sewing Box, Duke Street, Princes Risborough or
or Jackie (in the choir) 01844 343755

Will Aid November 2019
Have your Will professionally written by a good solicitor and you’ll have the added feel-good factor of supporting nine of the UK’s best loved charities. Instead of paying a fee, the solicitor will invite you to make a donation to charity. Suggested voluntary donations are £100 for a basic Will, or £180 for a pair of basic ‘mirror’ Wills. Your donation will be shared between the nine Will Aid charities and will be used to help vulnerable people in the UK and around the world. Please log on to to find your nearest available Will Aid solicitor. James

Storage Facility Required
We have been advised by our church insurer that we are no longer able to store the plastic tables and chairs (and the traffic bollards) in the boiler room. If anyone is able to store some or all of these items please can you let me know. Many thanks, James

The Next Few Weeks 

Morning Prayer usually takes place on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8.45am to 9.05am (except Bank Holidays). Everyone is welcome.

Mon 9th Sept 8.00pm Silent prayer group (church hall)
Thurs 12th Sept 9.30am Holy Communion               
.00pm Monks Monkeys (church hall)  
7.30pm Fellowship Talk – Working with orangutans by Anthea Mearns (church hall)
Sun 15th Sept 10.00am Parish Communion         
6.00pm Evensong
Mon 16th Sept 8.00pm PCC meeting (church hall)
Wed 18th Sept 2.30pm Friendship Group (church hall)
Thurs 19th Sept 9.30am Holy Communion                
2.00pm Monks Monkeys (church hall)
Sun 22nd Sept 10.00am Parish Communion 
(50th anniversary of Rob becoming a deacon)       
6.00pm Owlswick Harvest Festival Evensong (Followed by light refreshments afterwards)
Mon 23rd Sept 7.30pm Pilgrim Course (‘Open House’) at the Rectory: all welcome
Tues 24th Sept 9.15am Fellowship Walk (layby)
Thurs 26th Sept 9.30am Holy Communion  
2.00pm Knitters and Natterers (church)               
2.00pm Monks Monkeys (church)
Sat 28th Sept 7.30pm Big Band Swing Concert (see notices)
Sun 29th Sept 10.00am Parish Communion       
6.00pm Evensong
Thurs 3rd Oct 9.30am Holy Communion               
2.30pm Monks Monkeys (church hall)
Fri 4th Oct 12.30pm Wedding Blessing
Sun 6th Oct Harvest Festival 8.00am Holy Communion               
11.00am All Age Family Service without Communion
12.00/12.30 Harvest Festival Lunch (see notices)
6.00pm Evensong
Mon 7th Oct 9.30am Monks Risborough School Harvest Service
Thurs 10th Oct 9.30am Holy Communion                  
2.30pm Monks Monkeys (church hall)
7.30pm Fellowship Group in the church hall: ‘Objects with stories’ (change to programme)