Sunday 26 September 2010

Pewsheet for 27th September 2010

St Dunstan’s Church, Monks Risborough
& St. Peter’s Chapel, Owlswick
Part of the Risborough Team Ministry

Vicar – The Revd James Tomkins
01844 275944 (day off Tuesday)
The Rectory, Mill Lane, Monks Risborough, HP27 9JE

Sunday 26th September 2010
17th Sunday after Trinity

Let us come into the presence of God who gives life to all things, and of Jesus Christ our Saviour and friend. In the power of the Holy Spirit, let us give thanks for all the many gifts God has given us to enjoy, and above all for the gift of eternal life.
Welcome to St Dunstan’s Church

If you are new to Monks Risborough or just visiting please introduce yourself to the Welcomers at the door who will be happy to tell you more about the church and its events.
The Junior Church (10 o’clock Club) meet in the Church Hall before coming into Church for the Communion.
Coffee and tea are served in the Church immediately after the 10.00am service - all are welcome.


10.00 am Parish Eucharist (Addington setting)
God in the life of...Sheila Lane
Introit 573
Gradual 146
Offertory 12
Communion 77, 540, 856
Recessional 580

First Reading Amos 6:1a, 4-7
Amos attacks community leaders who enjoy their comfortable lifestyle while turning a blind eye to the problems facing their society.

Second Reading 1 Timothy 6:6-19
Timothy is given a lesson in priorities, including a warning not to get too attached to material things.

Gospel Luke 16:19-31
Jesus tells a story about faith and action, and about temporary and permanent rewards.

6.00 pm Harvest Festival at Owlswick with the Bishop of Buckingham

Hymns: 259, Psalm 100, 265, 397, 262
Readings: Deuteronomy 26:1-11, John 6:25-35

Prayer for the week
O God of justice, hear our cry and save us.
Make us heed your word to the prophets; rouse us to the demand of the Gospel and impel us to carry it out.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever.

Your prayers are asked this week for:
 All those preparing for the Commonwealth Games in India: that this may be a time of sporting achievement and fellowship.
 Critical and thoughtful debate of new age ideology for all those at the cutting edge of faithful discussion.
 The Pink and Lily & The Whip Inn at Lacey Green, The Lions Pub at Bledlow.
 Those living in St John's Court (Princes Risborough) and Slough Lane (Saunderton).
 Those in need who are known in our parish
 and also further afield
 For the recently departed
 Those whose anniversary of death falls at this time
Please remember the charities that St Dunstan's supports, in particular this week:
Iain Rennie Hospice at Home, offering specialist and supportive care and advice for patients with cancer and other life threatening illnesses in their homes.


The Bishop of Buckingham to visit Owlswick Chapel
Bishop Alan is coming to celebrate the Harvest Festival Evensong there tonight at 6 pm. This will be preceded with cream teas served between 3.30 and 5.30 pm. with the chapel especially decorated for the occasion. There will also be an opportunity to bring items for the work of the Whitechapel Mission to this service (see below for details of what to bring).

Our Fete
Very many thanks to every single person who contributed to the success of the Fete- those of you who set it up and took it down, who were stall holders, who brought and bought items, and to the refreshment team who were fewer in number this year, so more was asked of them.
We have made a profit of £1750 and created a happy community event - something we can't put a price on. A wonderful team effort. Thank you, Rosemary

Theatre in the Villages -- By George! - St Dunstan's Church, October 16th 7.45pm
A one-man musical review of comedy songs taking a light-hearted and unashamedly nostalgic look at the quirks of the English. Performed from the piano (and everywhere else! ) by actor, pianist, singer and song-writer Michael Lunts. Tickets: £8.00, £6.00 senior citizens, £5.00 under 16s available from Rosemary Woodward-Court Tel. 344417

Silent Prayer Meeting – Monday Sept 27th at 8 pm
This will take place in the church hall and will last for about 45 minutes. Those who gather meet to share in a time of silence becoming more aware of the presence of God. James ‘Be still, and know that I am God’ Psalm 46.10

Harvest Service – October 3rd
The Harvest Festival Family service (without Holy Communion) starts at 11am. This service is being taken with the Bishop of Oxford and will involve the Senior and Junior choirs of Monks Risborough School, our own choir and musicians from the ‘Minstrels’ and members of the Lacey Green Singers. A collection of items is being made at this service for the work of the Whitechapel Mission. To enable its work to continue please log on to their website, click on ‘how to help’ and scroll down to ‘harvest’ for a list of the things most desperately needed. This list below can be used as a guide: Baked Beans; Squash; Sugar; Plum Tomatoes; Coffee; Hot Chocolate; Breakfast Cereals; Biscuits; Ketchup; Rucksacks; T-Shirts; Hand Towels; Men’s Underwear; Men’s Shoes; Socks; Jogging Bottoms; Thick Jackets; Winter Over Coats Hand; Shaving Foam; Body Lotion; Deodorant and Carrier Bags. James

Harvest Lunch - October 3rd - Monks Risborough School Hall
Tickets are numbered and issued on a first come / first served basis. Adults £4.00, first child (5-12 years) in a family £2.00, other children free: tickets from June Timms (344966) or Rosemary Woodward-Court (344417)

Reaching the Elderly in our Church and Community
Saturday 9 October, 9.30am-4pm, Worminghall Village Hall, The Avenue, Worminghall. This is a special day of training for those interested in reaching the elderly in their own church and community. For more information and a booking form please contact James.

The Image of Christ - a day of reflective iconography
This will be held at St. Mary’s, Aylesbury on Saturday October 23rd 2010 from 10am till 4pm. The day will be led by Constantina Wood. No artistic skills required. Materials provided. All welcome of any faith or belief. The cost is £35 including lunch. Call Rosemary on 01296 437641 to book your place. See poster on the notice board for more details.

Triple Edition of the Pew Sheet
The October 3rd edition will need to cover the weekends of October 3rd, 10th and 17th. Space is therefore likely to be limited and notices for future events will need to be sent in earlier than normal.

The Bethany House Group
The new season of the Bethany House Group starts on Tuesday October 19th at 76 Westmead, Monks Risborough from 10.30 ~ 12 noon, for 12 weekly sessions to study The Acts of the Apostles: the Early Church and the Spread of Christianity. It is an easily accessible course which is both explanatory and thought-provoking on several different levels, and also provides space for personal thoughts and prayer in the quiet of your own home. There will be a break of a few weeks around Christmas, before continuing on January 11th. All are welcome, so please do contact either Su Viney (275461) or Jill Iredale (346488) by the 5th October so that a copy of the book may be bought for you (cost: £5)

‘Living in Hope’
A course is being run across the new few months to explore the Christian understanding of ‘Hope’. The course will use a DVD and group discussion to unpack themes such as death, resurrection and creation. The first session will be held on Thursday October 21st at the Rectory, Mill Lane starting at 8 pm and finishing at 9.30 pm. More details can be found in the October/November magazine. Please contact Sue Kemp (275157) if you would like a course booklet (cost £3) to be ordered for you. James

Jackie Highe and Big Band Swing - Friday 29th October
Come to Haddenham Village Hall and enjoy an evening of classic big band numbers, from Duke Ellington and Count Basie to Nelson Riddle and Sammy Nestico. There's a licensed bar, real ale, and tickets are £10. We're raising money for local charities.
Advance booking only - and be warned - last year was a sell-out! For tickets contact Lee Buckingham on 07977 138044. See the poster in the church porch.
The next couple of weeks

Morning Prayer takes place next week on Monday and Thursday at St. Dunstan’s at 8.45 am

Today 10.00 am Parish Eucharist
3.30 pm Cream Teas at Owlswick
6.00 pm Harvest Festival,
Owlswick (see notices)
Mon Sept 27th 10.15 am Funeral of Ron Stiff at Amersham Crematorium
8.00 pm Silent Prayer Meeting (Church Hall)
Wed Sept 29th 2.00 pm Funeral of Gladys Jackson
Thurs Sept 30th 9.30 am Holy Communion
2.00 pm Monks Monkeys
Sun Oct 3rd Harvest Festival (see notices)
8.00 am Holy Communion BCP
11.00 am All Age Family Service followed by Harvest Lunch
6.00 pm Choral Evensong
Thurs Oct 7th 9.30 am Healing and Holy Communion
2.00 pm Monks Monkeys
Sat Oct 9th 1.00 pm Wedding
Sun Oct 10th 10.00 am Parish Eucharist
11.30 am Holy communion (Owlswick)
6.00 pm Choral Evensong

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