Friday 7 December 2018

Pew Sheet 9th December 2018

St Dunstan’s Church, Monks Risborough
& St. Peter’s Chapel, Owlswick

Registered Charity Number: 1153869.

Part of the Risborough Team Ministry

Vicar: The Revd. James Tomkins
01844 275944 (day off Tuesday)
The Rectory, Mill Lane, Monks Risborough, HP27 9JE

Johanna Powell 01844 343996
Margaret Hunnibell 01844 274366


We hope you will appreciate worshipping here with us. Please take away our welcome leaflet on the table for all of our services and activities. Please do make use of the children’s corner in church with books, colouring sheets, toys etc. The 10 o’clock for babies, toddlers, children and young people meet in the church hall during the 10.00 am service where coffee and squash is served afterwards.

Sunday 9th December

Second Sunday of Advent


God calls us to prepare the way for Christ. Let us each examine our own hearts and lives, open to God’s plan and seeking ways in which to welcome him.

10.00am Parish Communion

First Reading: Malachi 3.1-4
God’s messenger is coming to prepare the way. He will act as a refiner and purify the descendants of Levi.

Second Reading: Philippians 1.3-11
Paul thanks God for the Philippians and prays for them constantly. He longs for them and prays that their love may overflow, so that in the day of Christ they may be pure and blameless.

Gospel: Luke 3.1-6
The word of God came to John the Baptist in the fifteenth year of the Emperor Tiberius and he begins to preach his message of repentance. The famous words from Isaiah, “Prepare the way of the Lord,” describe his mission.
Hymns: 406, 695, 282   Communion: 633, 66, 949
Psalm: Benedictus  Anthem: Advent message

11.30am Owlswick Holy Communion
Readings: Malachi 3.1-4, Luke 3.1-6.

6.00pm Evensong
Readings: Isaiah 40.1-11, Luke 1.1-25.
Hymns: 263, 691, 655; Psalm: 75

Prayer of the Week
God of our salvation, you strengthen the winding ways of our hearts and smooth the paths made rough by sin. Make our conduct blameless, keep our hearts watchful in holiness, and bring to perfection the good you have begun in us. We ask this through him whose coming is certain, whose day draws near: your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen.


 Your prayers are asked this week for:

  • MPs in the current Brexit debate, that cooperating in honesty, integrity and understanding, they might work towards bringing the greatest good to the greatest number of people
  • All who befriend drug addicts and run rehabilitation programmes and centres
  • Refugees who search for shelter and security, often risking their lives as they search for a new home and a new life
  • Upper Icknield Way (PR) West Lane (B)
  • Those who are in need in our parish:
    • Joan Ballance, Pam Johnson, Pam Lidgley, Sue Caudery, Iris Hutchison and Veronica Parker
  • And also further afield for:
    • Alastair, Georgina Cole, Ginny Gibbs, Alex Chauhan, Cathy Owen, Gail, Suzy Cooper and Anna Ballard
  • The recently departed: Janet Drurie
  • Those whose anniversary of death falls at this time:
    • Pat Kimber, Rowland Hill, Audrey Stonell and Audrey Astley-Cooper
Please remember the charities that the parish supports:
The Whitechapel Mission is dedicated to providing a lifeline to the men and women caught in the cycles of poverty, hopelessness and dependencies of many kinds, and to see their lives transformed to hope, joy and lasting productivity.              



Advent Fayre and Christingle success
There was a lovely atmosphere and a good crowd of people came to the delights of the Advent Fayre and the Christingle service. With the Advent Fayre over £1,000 was taken with a profit of about £850 once expenses were taken into consideration. With the Christingle a whopping £704.15 was raised for the work of the Children’s Society. Thank you to everyone who made these such enjoyable community occasions. James

Christmas Concert by Candlelight with the Chinnor Silver Band

This will take place on Wednesday December 12th at 8.00 pm. Tickets (£10) are available from Sally’s Sewing Box (Duke Street, Princes Risborough), Rachel Ungi (761535), Penny Hollings (07762 880219) or via Raffle, complimentary glass of mulled wine/soft drink & mince pie.

9 Lessons and Carols 6 pm Dec. 16th and Village Carol service 6 pm Dec. 24th : Readers Required
I am always on the look-out for people to read at these services. If you are available and would like to read at either or both these services, please let me know. Many thanks, James

Carol Singing around the village

On Thursday December 20th meeting in St. Dunstan’s Church at 6.00 pm everyone is invited to come carol singing around the village with the church choir to help raise money for charity. Afterwards refreshments will be served. If you enjoy singing please come along – singers of all standards are welcome!

The Chandos Ensemble

A Candlelight Concert of String Music for the New Year” on 5th January at 7 pm. Elgar: Serenade for Strings; Bach: Concerto in C minor for Oboe and Violin; Mozart: Symphony no 29 in A major. There will be a complimentary glass of wine/soft drink and raffle. Tickets £8 (accompanied children under 18 £3) available from Rachel (01844) 761535 or Penny 07762 880219 or Sally’s Sewing Box, Duke Street, Princes Risborough or
Help fundraise for St Dunstan’s
If you are planning to order Christmas gifts online, did you know that you can also raise money for St Dunstan’s? Go onto the website, search for ‘St Dunstan’s Church, Monks Risborough’, click the ‘support this cause’ button and create an account (you’ll need an email address) and then search for the retailer you are planning to order from. The Easy fundraising website will then take you to the required online shop, and a percentage of your spend will be donated to the church. I have been doing this for the last year or so, and have raised nearly £20. If we all did it, just think how much we could raise...I am happy to help navigate you through the minefield that can sometimes be the internet. Speak to me, Sue Ingram for more details (275287)

Redecoration of St. Dunstan’s Church
The church is beginning to look scruffy in a number of places and owing to some significant legacies and the continuing generosity of parishioners it will be possible to redecorate the whole church starting from Monday January 14th. The work is being undertaken by M. Simmonds Decorating Contractors and will take about 3 weeks. During this time services will continue as usual but in different locations. The 10 am service will take place in the Whiteleaf Scout Centre in Courtmoor Close (please park in Mill Lane) and all other services in the church hall. We aim to keep the disruption to a minimum and more details will be posted as they become available. One thing we do know is that help will be needed on Sunday January 13th to move some of the pews. James

Yew Bush 
One of the yew bushes outside the South Door has been cut back to its stump in anticipation of a path being created between the church and the back of the church hall where we hope to site two additional toilets to cater for the large number of people attending special events and services.

Coffee and Mince Pies at the Rectory
As in the past everyone is invited for coffee and mince pies at The Rectory after the 10.00am Communion service on Sunday December 30th. Even if you don’t come to the service you are very welcome!

Confirmation Classes
A Confirmation Service will be held in the area in 2019. If you (or your son/daughter) would like to consider being confirmed please contact James before January 14th. Confirmation is traditionally seen as the entry point to receive Holy Communion as a person ‘confirms’ the promises made on their behalf at their Baptism. Preparation sessions will take place in the New Year.


The Next Few Weeks 

The Church is open daily to visit from 9.30am–4.00pm
Morning Prayer takes place on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8.45am to 9.05am (except Bank Holidays). Everyone welcome  

Mon 10th Dec 8.00pm Silent Prayer Meeting
Wed 12th Dec 7.30pm Advent House Group
(7 Mead Acre)
8.00pm Chinnor Silver Band Concert (see notices)
Thurs 13th Dec 9.30am Holy Communion               
2.00pm Monks Monkeys (church hall): resumes January 3rd
7.30pm Fellowship Christmas Party (church hall)
Sun 16th Dec 10.00am Parish Communion and Baptism                                          
6.00pm Nine Lessons and Carols  
Tues 18th Dec 9.30am Monks Risborough School Christmas Service
Wed 19th Dec 9.30am Monks Risborough School Christmas Service
2.30pm Friendship Group
7.30pm Advent House Group (7 Mead Acre)
Thurs 20th Dec 9.30am Holy Communion
6.00pm Community Carol singing
Sun 23rd Dec 10.00am Parish Communion             
3.00pm Owlswick Carol Service
Mon 24th Dec Christmas Eve 3.00pm Crib Service                       
6.00pm Village Carol Service         
11.30pm Midnight Communion
Tues 25th Dec Christmas Day 8.00am Holy Communion               
10.00am All Age Family Communion
Thurs 27th Dec 9.30am Holy Communion
Sun 30th Dec 10.00am Parish Communion            
6.00pm Evensong
New Year’s Eve 5.00pm Evening Prayer

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