Friday 14 December 2012

Pew Sheet 16th December 2012

St Dunstan’s Church, Monks Risborough
& St. Peter’s Chapel, Owlswick

Part of the Risborough Team Ministry
Vicar – The Revd James Tomkins
01844 275944 (day off Tuesday)
The Rectory, Mill Lane, Monks Risborough, HP27 9JE

We hope you will enjoy worshipping here with us.
Please join us for refreshments in the Church Hall immediately after the 10.00am service.


Sunday 16th December 2012

Third Sunday of Advent
As advent draws towards Christmas, let us set aside outer busyness and attend to the inner preparation of our hearts as we worship the coming King.  

10.00 am   Parish Eucharist                (Merbecke Setting)
Hymns: 263, 205, 428
Psalm: 146
During communion: 168, 527, 948

First Reading                Zephaniah 3:14-end
The prophet calls God’s people to rejoice: God himself will come down to save them from their troubles and oppressors.  His love and power will dispel all fear and shame as he brings his people home. 

Second Reading           Philippians 4: 4-7
In the light of the Lord’s imminent return, Paul exhorts Christians to live lives characterised by rejoicing, thanksgiving and prayer-filled dependence.  In so doing, they will be enfolded in God’s peace. 

Gospel Reading            Luke 3: 7-18
John the Baptist urges the crowds to repent. Christ is coming among them bringing judgement and salvation.  They can get ready to receive him by living honest, humble and generous lives now.   

6:00pm   Nine Lessons and Carols

Prayer for the Week

Almighty God, you sent your Son into a world where the wheat must be winnowed from the chaff and evil clings even to what is good.  Let the fire of you Spirit purge us of greed and deceit, so that, purified, we may find our peace in you and you may delight in us.  Grant this through him whose coming is certain, whose day draws near: your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever.  Amen.


Your prayers are asked this week for:

  • All those caught up in the unrest in the Middle East, particularly Syria.
  • The ministry of organists, bell ringers, choirs and other musicians during the festive season
  • The Red Cross and the Red Crescent and their presence throughout the world caring for people in need.
  • Solicitors, Accountants and other professional people
  • Residents of: Williams Way (L), Wainhill (B)
  • Those in need who are known in our parish:
  • and also further afield for:
    • Gordon Haynes, Joan and Bill Male, Richard Irvine, Alastair
  • The recently departed:
  • Those whose anniversary of death falls at this time:
    • Lillian Thomas, Audrey Astley Cooper, Peter Hoar

Please remember the charities that the parish supports, in particular this week:

The Church Housing Trust
Dedicated to the rehabilitation and resettlement of homeless people of all ages and backgrounds     



Christmas Concert and Carols by Candlelight
This very enjoyable evening of listening to brass music from across the centuries and singing carols will take place on December 19th 8.00 pm at St. Dunstan’s Church with the Chinnor Silver Band. Tickets £7.00 from Rosemary Woodward Court (01844) 344417 or David Shuttle (01844 273388) to include a glass of wine/soft drink and a mince pie

Decorating the Church Christmas Tree
Children are especially welcome at 10.00 am on Saturday December 22nd to help in this fun activity. The church tree is a bit bigger than your one at home unless you’re the Queen or Prime Minister!

December 30th, Coffee and mince pies at the Rectory
After the Parish Eucharist everyone is welcome to come along to the Rectory at the top of Mill Lane to have a drink and a mince pie or two. James and Ann.

December 31st, Evening Prayer at 5.00 pm
To mark the end of the year I am again holding a service of ‘said’ evening prayer for anyone who wishes to come along. James

Bible reading notes – please take a sample
There are free copies of some Bible reading notes on the table towards the back of the church. These are produced by the Bible Reading Fellowship and contain four different series so that you can pick and choose which style suits you best. James

Stewardship Initiative
Thank you very much for all the responses received so far. Over £10,000 has been given in ‘one off’ donations and more than £5000 in regular standing orders. These amounts will increase significantly since much of what has been given is gift aided. This has and will make a big difference to the ongoing life and ministry of St. Dunstan’s and St. Peter’s.
This is the first phase in ensuring that our finances meet the additional expenditure expected over the next few years that includes repairs to the stonework of the church and opening up churchyard extension. The combined cost of these two projects is expected to cost in the region of £30,000.
It’s not too late to return your giving form whilst also recognising there are many other ways in which people serve and contribute to this church. James

Advent Fair – Clementine and Grapefruit marmalade

If anyone knows who made this at the Advent Fair please could they let me know as someone enjoyed it very much and would like to buy some more! James.

Family History Enquiry
I have had an enquiry researching details about Colonel & Mrs Robinson who lived in Whiteleaf at the time of World War Two. Mrs Robinson died in December 1943. If anyone has any information regarding this family please could they let me know. James


The Next Few Weeks  

Morning Prayer takes place on Mondays (except Bank Holidays), Wednesday and Thursday at 8.45 at St. Dunstan’s.
Sun 16th Dec 10.00am  Parish Eucharist (Canon Rob Brown) & 10 o’clock club Christmas party
6.00pm  Nine Lessons and Carols
Wed 19th Dec 2.30 Friendship Group Service (church hall)
8.00pm Concert by candlelight(see notices)
Thurs 20th Dec 9.30am  Holy Communion
10.30am Monks Risborough School Service
2.00pm Monks Monkeys
Fri 21st Dec 9.30am Monks Risborough School Service
Sun 23rd Dec 10.00am  Parish Eucharist and Baptisms of Louise and Niamh Powell
3.00pm  Owlswick Carol Service
Mon 24th Dec Christmas Eve
3.00pm  Crib Service
6.00pm  Village Carol Service
11.30pm  Midnight Eucharist
Tue 25th Dec Christmas Day
8.00am  Holy Communion
10.00am  All Age Family Eucharist
Thurs 27th Dec
John the Apostle
9.30am  Holy Communion
Sun 30th Dec 10.00am  Parish Eucharist (followed by mince pies and coffee at The Rectory)
6.00pm  Choral Evensong
Mon 31st Dec 5.00pm Evening Prayer

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