Friday 8 April 2011

St Dunstan’s Church, Monks Risborough
& St. Peter’s Chapel, Owlswick
Part of the Risborough Team Ministry

Vicar – The Revd James Tomkins
01844 275944 (day off Tuesday)
The Rectory, Mill Lane, Monks Risborough, HP27 9JE

Sunday 10th April 2011
Fifth Sunday of Lent

Welcome to the house of God. This is not a special place, it is not remarkable, just a building of bricks and mortar. And we are not special people, quite unremarkable, just flesh and blood. But come and worship, and know that however earthbound and ordinary we feel, each one of us can embrace and enjoy the possibilities of heaven.
Welcome to St Dunstan’s Church

If you are new to Monks Risborough or just visiting please introduce yourself to the Welcomers at the door who will be happy to tell you more about the church and its events.
The Junior Church (10 o’clock Club) meet in the Church Hall before coming into Church for the Communion.
Coffee and tea are served in the Church Hall immediately after the 10.00am service - all are welcome.

10.00 am Parish Eucharist and Baptism of Allen Ludlow
Introit 394 vs. 1, 2, 3, 10 & 11
Gradual 450
Offertory 264
Communion 615, 52, 922
Recessional 33


First Reading Ezekiel 37:1-14
Israel has lost hope. They say that their bones have dried up. But Ezekiel has a vision of God taking those bones, clothing them with flesh and breathing life into them. A message of hope for a hopeless people.

Second Reading Romans 8:6-11
Paul explains to the Roman Christians that even though the power of sin and death is strong, the Spirit of Christ has conquered death and will win out in each one of them.

Gospel John 11:1-45
Jesus’ friend Lazarus dies, and Mary and Martha send for him. Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead and restores him to his family in an echo of Jesus’ own death and resurrection soon to come.

11.30 am Owlswick Holy Communion
Readings: Ezekiel 37 v 1-14, John 11 v 1-45

6.00 pm Choral Evensong
Hymns: 723, Psalm 30, 206 (omitting verses 4 & 5), 61
Readings: Lamentations 3 v1
Prayer for the week
Merciful God, you showed your glory to our fallen race by sending your Son to confront the powers of death. Call us forth from sin’s dark tomb. Break the bonds which hold us, that we may believe and proclaim Christ, the cause of our freedom and the source of life, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, holy and mighty God for ever and ever.
Your prayers are asked this week for:
 The people of the Ivory Coast, Libya, Japan and other countries where lives are being diminished by war or natural disasters
 Restaurants, for the pleasure that good food and drink afford us to enrich our lives
 Team marriage preparation, those preparing for marriage and those recently married.
 Conservation areas: Chiltern Society and similar groups
 Residents of Dovecote Close and Meadle (Monks Risborough), Boxer Road (Longwick), Court Close and Culverton Hill (Princes Risborough)
 Those in need who are known in our parish:
◦ Joan Ballance, Trevor Calvert, Joan Pitcher, Enid Menzies, Molly Whyte, Marjorie Browne, Jean Taylor, Elizabeth McGown, Margaret Avery
 and also further afield for:
◦ Gordon Haynes, Christine, Deborah Ryley, Millie Adey; Emma, Matt and Olivia; Sarah and Matt
 For the recently departed
 Those whose anniversary of death falls at this time particularly Beatrice Mackie, Stan Rogers, Joan Minns, Rose Edwards, Alice Patient, Ivy Violet Aldous, Joan Cooper, Francis Ing, Audrey Howes, Flora Skinner, Robert Hartle, Jane Bradshaw, Alan Thomas
Please remember the charities that St Dunstan's supports, in particular this week:
Risborough Cares Charity, assisting those in the locality who have mental health, learning or physical disabilities or who are elderly.

Spring Concert – April 16th at 7.30 pm
Featuring the Jacquin Trio and popular classics by composers such as Mozart, Bruch and Schumann: tickets are £7 and are available from Rosemary (344417)

St. Dunstan's Fellowship – two events!
Thursday 14th April at 8pm. - Speaker - Chan Ling Loftas on 'Moving on from the UN' all welcome. Walk Tuesday 26th April - Meet at Monks Risborough Lay-by at 9.15am. All welcome.

Double editions of the Pew Sheet
The next edition of the pew sheet on Easter Sunday will again be a double one on. Please can you bear this in mind when submitting articles.

Easter Flowers
Calling all available flower arrangers – the decoration of the church for Easter Sunday will begin at 9.30 am on Saturday April 23rd. This year there will also be an opportunity to have a lily as part of an arrangement in memory of a loved one. If you would like to do this, please write your name and the person(s) whom you wish to be remembered on the sheet on the clipboard. If you would like to make a donation please put a contribution into a blue gift aid envelope, write ‘Easter lily’ on the envelope, write your name and address on it if you are a taxpayer and pop it in the wooden chest on the wall. James and Gwen Miles (345230)
Visit by the Archbishop of Canterbury
An opportunity to share Archbishop Rowan's ministry at the Diocesan Eucharist at St Mary's, Banbury on Saturday 7 May, with a teaching session, for clergy, afterwards. Tickets for the morning (up to 5 for each parish) are available from your Area office and should be submitted via your parish priest. Please contact Debbie Perry (email if you wish to attend in the afternoon.
The next couple of weeks

Morning Prayer takes place at St. Dunstan’s at 8.45 am on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday morning until Easter

Today Fifth Sunday of Lent
10.00am Parish Eucharist and Baptism
11.30am Owlswick Holy Communion
6.00pm Choral Evensong
Mon 11th April 8.00 pm Silent Prayer meeting (church hall)
Tues 12th April 10.30am Lent House Group
Thurs 14th April 9.30am Holy Communion
8.00pm Lent House Group
8.00pm St Dunstan’s Fellowship (see notices)
Sat 16th April 11.00 am Musical Recording in church
7.30pm Spring Concert (see notices)
Sun 17th April PALM SUNDAY AND
10.00am Parish Eucharist meet in the lay-by off the A4010 for the procession of palms
6.00pm Choral Evensong (with St. Mary’s)
Mon 18th April 8.00 pm Stations of the Cross
Tues 19th April 8.00 pm Compline
Wed 20th April 8.00 pm Compline
Thurs 21st April MAUNDY THURSDAY
9.30am Holy Communion
8.00pm Holy Communion Foot & Hand Washing Stripping of the Altar/vigil
Fri 22nd April GOOD FRIDAY
11.00am CTR Walk of Witness
2.00pm Service of Readings and
Sun 24th April EASTER DAY
6.00am CTR Sunrise Service at Whiteleaf Cross
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
10.00am All Age Family Eucharist
6.00pm Owlswick Choral Evensong

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