Saturday 5 March 2011

St Dunstan’s Church, Monks Risborough
& St. Peter’s Chapel, Owlswick
Part of the Risborough Team Ministry

Vicar – The Revd James Tomkins
01844 275944 (day off Tuesday)
The Rectory, Mill Lane, Monks Risborough, HP27 9JE

Sunday 6th March 2011
Sunday next before Lent

As we stand on the threshold of Lent, God calls us to live transfigured lives, trusting in his purposes and conscious of his glory. Let us come before him in praise and worship.
Welcome to St Dunstan’s Church

If you are new to Monks Risborough or just visiting please introduce yourself to the Welcomers at the door who will be happy to tell you more about the church and its events.
Coffee and tea are served in the Church Hall immediately after the 10.00am service - all are welcome.


8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP)

10.00 am All Age Family Eucharist and Baptism of Max Jones
Introit 195
Gradual Father Abraham
Offertory 162
Communion 47, 67, 856, 35
Recessional 305

First Reading Exodus 24:12-18
On the threshold of Lent we are reminded of the awesome holiness of God. This story of Moses tells how on a mountain-top he had a transfiguring experience, as if taken up into the glory of God.

Gospel Matthew 17:1-9
Peter, James and John witness Jesus’ encounter with Moses and Elijah on the mountain of the Transfiguration. A voice from heaven affirms God’s delight in his Son, and urges the disciples to listen to him

6.00 pm Choral Evensong
Hymns: 70, Psalm 84 v1-7, 497, 161
Readings: Ecclus. 48 v 1-10, Matthew 17 v 9-23
Prayer for the week
Holy God, you know the disorder of our sinful lives:
set straight our crooked hearts,
and bend our wills to love your goodness
and your glory in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Your prayers are asked this week for:
 the people of Libya and other troubled nations of the Middle East
 The work of hospices, for all who manage the pain and bring comfort to the terminally ill
 Dentists, physiotherapists, chiropodists and other health practitioners
 Residents of The Crescent (Princes Risborough), and Church End and Lyde End (Bledlow).
 For the recently departed
◦ David Brewer, Leslie Morecraft, Chris Broadmeadow
 Those whose anniversary of death falls at this time particularly Gladys Wallwork
Please remember the charities that St Dunstan's supports, in particular this week:
Christian Blind Mission, an international Christian development organisation committed to improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities in the poorest countries of the world.


Silent Prayer Meeting, Monday March 7th at 8pm
The next meeting is being held in the Church Hall. Meetings are open to everyone to enjoy the presence of God in the company of others. James

Ash Wednesday (March 9th) Sung Eucharist at 8 pm
This service will include ‘the imposition of ashes’. Ashes are an ancient sign of penitence and the sign of the cross is made on a person’s forehead if they so wish. Members of St. Mary’s (Princes Risborough) choir and congregation are joining us for this service.

St. Dunstan’s Fellowship – Thursday 10th March 7.30pm in Church Hall
A Communion Service led by Rev. James Tomkins 8.00pm - The Annual General Meeting to be followed by a Quiz. Annual subscriptions of £5.00 are due at this meeting. All welcome.
Lent House Groups 2011
‘Rich inheritance’ Jesus’ legacy of love: written by Stephen Cottrell, (Former Bishop of Reading). The 5 week course is offered at a choice of two days and times: Tuesdays from 10.30 – 12.00 at 76 Westmead (Home of Mrs Su Viney and the Bethany House Group) from 15 March – 12 April inclusive; Thursdays from 8.00 – 9.30 at the Rectory, Monks Risborough from 17 March – 14 April inclusive (thus giving an opportunity to ‘catch up’ if you have to miss a session). This ecumenical discussion is the latest from the popular York Courses, covering: An Empty Tomb, A group of People, A Story, A power and A meal. Please contact the Su Viney (275461), Jill Iredale (346488) or The Revd. James Tomkins (275944) if you would like to take part.

Annual Church Meetings
These will take place on Friday March 18th at 8 pm. As well as reviewing and reporting on parish life there are a number of elections that take place including the appointment of a new churchwarden to replace Steve Adams. Please come along to contribute your thoughts to life and worship of the parish. Copies of the annual accounts and the various reports on parish life are available to take away.

Christian Aid Super Soup Lunch Wednesday March 23rd 12.00-2.00 in St Dunstan's Church Hall
There will be homemade soup, crusty bread, good company and all profits going to Christian Aid, helping some of the world's poorest communities. Rosemary 344417

Please note that the closing date for your contributions is Monday 7th March and we look forward to any items for our Easter issue by then. As usual contributions, ideally by email, to John McKay ( and David Kemp (, but also, if preferred, by hard copy to either of us. Thank you in advance.

Churchyard Annual Spring Clean - March 19th 9.30am
No need to go to the gym on this day - just come and use your energy to help trim edges, weed, sweep, collect leaves etc. There will be refreshments, and a good feeling of team work and doing a necessary and worthwhile task. Please bring appropriate tools if you can. See you there! Rosemary 344417

Woodworm Treatment in Church
Please can you avoid use of the church between Monday March 14th and Wednesday March 16th whilst treatment for Woodworm is taking place. James

St. Dunstan’s Fellowship Walk – Tuesday 15th March
Please meet in the Monks Risborough Lay-by at 9.15am. All welcome
The next couple of weeks

Morning Prayer takes place on Monday (except Bank Holidays), Wednesday and Thursdays at St. Dunstan’s at 8.45 am. There will be no morning prayer on March 14th and March 16th whilst woodworm treatment is taking place.

Today Sunday next before Lent
8.00am Holy Communion
10.00am All Age Family Eucharist and Baptism
6.00pm Choral Evensong
Mon 7th Mar 8.00 pm Silent Prayer Meeting
(see notices)
Wed 9th Mar Ash Wednesday
8.00pm Sung Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes (with St. Mary’s)
Thurs 10th Mar 9.30am Holy Communion
1.00 pm Funeral of Leslie Morecraft
2.00pm Monks Monkeys
7.30pm St Dunstan’s Fellowship Communion Service, AGM, Quiz (see notices)
Sun 13th Mar First Sunday of Lent
10.00am Parish Eucharist
11.30am Owlswick Holy Communion
6.00pm Choral Evensong
Mon 14th March to March 16th
Woodworm Treatment in Church
Tues 15th Mar 9.15am St Dunstan’s Fellowship Walk (see notices)
10.30am Lent House Group (see notices)
Wed 16th Mar 2.30 pm Friendship Group
(Church Hall)
Thurs 17th Mar 9.30am Holy Communion
2.00pm Monks Monkeys
8.00pm Lent House Group (see notices)
Fri 18th Mar 12.00 pm Funeral of Chris Broadmeadow
8.00pm Annual Church Meeting
(see notices)
Sat 19th Mar 9.30am Churchyard Spring Clean (see notices)
Sun 20th Mar Second Sunday of Lent
10.00am Parish Eucharist
6.00pm Choral Evensong

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